Saturday 18 May 2019

UNIT 7- 8


Hoodie:a sweatshirt with a hood 

Top:a garment for the uper body.

Baggy:hanging losely; puffed out.

Sleeves:the part of a garment thet covers the arm.

Ginger:it's a person with red hair.

Breathe:to take air into lungs and send it out.



    -Was/ were

    - Past simple: regular verbs


    - Past simple: irregular and regular verbs.

    - past simple: questions.


 - Fashion

 - He walked with a stick.

 - Liz is shopping.


 - Fashion.

 - An interview wiht an astronaut.

 - First day at school.

 - An internet sensation.


 - Describe a person.

 - My first day at school.


 - Describe a person in your class.

 - Go shooping .

My diary of archievement:

This unit was easy. We remembered the past simple and the appearances.

Areas I need to work:

I think I need to work on the traslation.

What I learned about culture:

We learned something about the life of an astronaut.

My opinion:

In this unit I work good and I think I remembered a lot of things.

Friday 17 May 2019


It is an Asian sport. It is very popular in Tailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos and Indonesia.
The sepak takraw is a mixed between, volleyball because they use the same net, football because the players can only hit the ball with the foot, and badmintin because the field has the same dimensions.

This spot arose 6500 years ago.
The sepak takraw is fomed by two teams with 3 people each one.
The sport is formed by 2 set and  between them, there are 2 minutes of rest, one set is formed by 21 points, and the team that get them wins.
The players can't touch the ball with the hands and arms, so they can do all kinds of acrobatics.

Thursday 16 May 2019



His complete name is Charles Jhon Huffan Dickens. He was born in Portsmouth, England. He was a famous writer who wrote in the narrative genre very well, from humour to tragic themes . He spent his childhood in London and started to work since he was a child because his father was in prision. His fist job was journalist under the name of Boz. As he wrote about every day life he had a special relationship with his lectors. Charles Dickens died in June the 9th of 1870. He is the writer of books shuch as Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, Our Mutual Friend...


In the society he lived in there was not middle class, only very rich or very poor people. Poor people used to work in factories and had low salaries. Children used to work too.

Summary of Oliver Twist:

In the film Oliver Twist, he tries to explain something rare, because the film and the book tell us about an orphan child who is moved from one factory to another, but finally he escaped and went to live with a group of wallet thieves, where he had some problems.


I think that Oliver Twist is a very good book and film, because it shows how unfair the society was for ones and how good for others i  the 19th century, when Charles Dickens lived.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

UNIT 5- 6


Huge: extraordinary large in size , weight, quantity, or area.

Compass: an instrument for determining directions.

Audition: a trial hearing given to a singer , actor or other performer to test suitability for employment, professional training or  competition.

Torch:is a light , made of a stick of wood or some other substance,lighted at the upper end.



    - Present continuous 

             1° Affirmative

             2° Negative

             3° Question
    - Present continuous and present simple.


    - Can / can't

    -Must / mustn't

   - Countable and uncontable nouns.


Solo adventure 


A talented young photographer

Bring clasical music to young people.

An extraordinary show.


Write an e- mail about you


Descibe a picture.

My diary of archienement:

This unit was easy , and we worked a lot the grammar for understand it beter.

Areas I need to work:

I think I need to work on the writings .

What I learned about culture:

I learned some things about Cape town in South Africa.

My opinion: 

This unit was easy and I think I worked